Sunday 27 March 2011

The internet: every liers dream.

The internet is freedom. There are no rules or specific guidelines and people are able to write whatever they like. There are however, ethics. When do peoples morals come in? Sometimes, they don't.
In the blog 'bruises fade, internet history doesn't", the author states that there are no longer gatekeepers of information.  Also that we now have the ability to create, design and share any information online.
Hamelink (2006) discusses how the internet is full of lies and deceit. He raises the point that there is a great deal of misleading news and other information online which is often created by marketers, PR proffessionals etc.
This got me thinking about wikipedia. We all know that that this website isn't the most reliable of sources. In fact, WikiNews states that in 2005 Wikipedia was the victim of many April fool's jokes as any member of society can edit information on the website. One of these edits suggested that the reason their webpages load slowly is because their toaster broke and they've been using solar panels for power ever since!
 Clearly people, don't believe what you read online unless you are certian is fact.
Next time you're playing around with wikipedia, consider the ethics and those whose reputations you might be harming.

Hamelink, C. (2006). The Ethics of the Internet: Can we cope with Lies and Deceit on the Net? In Ideologies of the Internet, K. Sarikakis & Daya Thussu, pp. 115-130. New Jersey: Hampton Press.

WikiNews 2005. Wikipedia victim of onslaught of April Fool's Jokes. Retrieved from's_jokes. Accessed 28 March 2011

You're Welcome 2011. Bruises fade, internet history doesn't. Retreived from Accessed 28 March 2011

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